Chairman of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja said his placement as a defendant in the alleged ethical violation of election organizers in the selection of candidates for district and city Bawaslu members for the period 2023-2028 was 'error in persona'.

"The complainant is wrong in placing me as a subject in this complaint or 'error in persona'," said Rahmat Bagja during a hearing to examine alleged violations of the election organizer's code of ethics in the Main Session Room of the Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) in Jakarta, Monday, October 23, confiscated by Antara.

Bagja said that Bawaslu's decision was made through a plenary meeting, where in the meeting the chairman and members of Bawaslu had the same voting rights as stipulated in Article 141 paragraph 3 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections.

"Therefore, as the defendant, I questioned the complainant on what basis accused me of being a defendant in this complaint," he said.

According to him, those in charge of receiving registration files for prospective regional Bawaslu members and conducting research on administrative files, including a statement that they have never been members of political parties for at least the last five years, are the selection team and not the chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu.

In addition, continued Bagja, the selection team also received responses and input from the public, as well as conducted interview and clarification tests on the response and input.

"Based on that description, I asked the complainant where my inaccuracy lies in the selection process, so the complainant thought that the chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu was not careful," said Rahmat Bagja.

DKPP held a hearing to examine alleged violations of the election organizer's code of ethics with Case Number 122-PKE-DKPP/X/2023 in the Main Session Room of DKPP, Jakarta, Monday.

The case was reported by Ikhsan Muchtar, who gave power to Syamsudin. In this case, the defendant is the Chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu Rahmat Bagja, the Chairman of Bawaslu West Sulawesi Province Nasrul Muhayyang, and Bawaslu Member of Majene Yanti Rezki Amaliah Regency.

Rahmat Bagja became a defendant who was argued to be not careful and not optimal in the selection process for candidates for Bawaslu regency and city members in West Sulawesi Province.

Dalam seleksi tersebut, salah satu anggota Bawaslu Kabupaten Majene periode 2023-2028 yang telah ditentikasi sebagai bakal calon legislatif (caleg) asal PDI Perjuangan di Daerah Pemilihan (Dapil) II Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah dengan nomor berturut delapan.

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