A total of one orangutan who was previously found trapped in an oil palm plantation in Ketapang was moved to the Muara Kendawangan Nature Reserve area.

"Against one individual orangutan, the team decided to translocate to areas that have more representative and safe forests, namely in the Muara Kendawangan Nature Reserve area," said Head of the West Kalimantan BKSDA RM Wiwied Widodo in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Monday, October 23, confiscated by Antara.

He explained the reason for choosing the Muara Kendawangan Nature Reserve in Ketapang, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan). Die said, because the condition of the area has habitat suitability for the breeding of orangutans.

"The orangutans come from the results of examinations in the field are female and in good health," he explained.

Regarding the chronology of rescue, orangutans were first spotted in the oil palm plantation area on October 13, 2023 by an employee who was working.

"Finally on October 18, 2023, the WRU BKSDA West Kalimantan Team SKW I Ketapang, PT. Cargill assisted YIARI to save the orangutans with anesthesia," he said.

According to him, the presence of orangutans in the oil palm plantation area has attracted the attention of the West Kalimantan BSKDA and companies to carry out monitoring in order to ensure the safety of animals.

"Efforts are made by forming a monitoring team that works 24 hours in the field," he said.

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