MALUKU - Head of the Ambon City Education Office (Disdik) Ferdinand Tasso reminded all schools not to make illegal levies (extortion) on parents of students.

"All types of extortion for the personal gain of the principal and teachers are not tolerated, because this contradicts Permendikbud Number 75 of 2016 concerning the School Committee," he said in Ambon, Maluku, Monday, October 23, which was confiscated by Antara.

In the Minister of Education and Culture, the School Committee is allowed to raise funds in the form of educational donations, educational assistance, but not levies.

Article 10 paragraph (1) of the Minister of Education and Culture states that the School Committee raises funds and other educational resources to carry out its functions in providing energy support, facilities and infrastructure, as well as education supervision, while article 10 paragraph (2) states that fundraising and other educational resources as referred to in paragraph (1) are in the form of assistance and / or donations, not levies.

He said the information submitted by the Principal (Kepsek) SDN 79 in Ambon City was suspected of committing extortion against parents under the pretext of asking for donations, to build comfortable school facilities, in addition to selling student work sheets (LKS), collecting uniforms, and various other extracurricular activities.

His party has made a visit to the school with the aim of asking for clarity from the principal concerned.

Regarding the different LKS problems, when holding meetings with school principals, committee chairmen, committee secretaries and teachers, it turns out that the school's fault is.

"Regarding LKS, it turns out that the fault lies with the school, and from this it certainly causes losses," he said.

Regarding the alleged extortion, his party has coordinated with the Head of the Ambon City Inspectorate to conduct an examination, in order to re-check the case.

He admitted that he had asked for permission from the Regional Secretary of Ambon City, Agus Ririmasse, to convey to the head of the Inspector, for an examination by the Inspectorate so that the truth was known.

"I hope this problem can be resolved properly so that no one feels aggrieved," he said.

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