SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya, Whisnu Sakti Buana, said that Siloam Hospital was not suitable to be a referral place for COVID-19 patients. Because there is no dividing wall between Siloam Hospital and the apartment and the Surabaya City of Tomorrow (Cito) Mall.

"I am disappointed because there should be a clear barrier (wall), now it is still a partition. That's why it is still not feasible", said Whisnu after conducting an inspection in the Cito Mall area, Surabaya, Wednesday, February 10.

What he meant by the barrier is the barrier between the mall and the hospital area, which is on the second floor of the east side of the mall. You can see that the barrier still uses partitions that are very fragile when heavy objects are crushed.

Not only that, other requirements such as the Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL), separated in and out access between the mall and apartment, then special air ducts, and the availability of negative pressure space, which still waiting for the assessment results from the technical team.

"But the most important thing for me is the approval of local residents because, for me, safety is the highest. As long as the residents do not agree, we will not open it", said Whisnu.

Whisnu said that the Surabaya City Government initially really needed an additional isolation bed in the ICU room. Because in two weeks during the restriction of community activities (PPKM) some time ago, the ICU's bed occupancy rate (BOR) in Surabaya reached 100 percent.

However, at the end of the restriction of community activities phase II, the ICU's bed occupancy rate had dropped to 74 percent, while the regular isolation bed occupancy red was 64 percent.

"But there is no urgency this time", he said.

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