Pekanbaru Flyover Tested Eligible
Pekanbaru flyover work during completion with physical work took place a few years ago. sit.ANTARA.

PEKANBARU - The Road Bridge and Tunnel Security Commission (KKJTJ) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) sent a team to Riau to check the feasibility of a number of long-range bridges and flyovers in Pekanbaru.

"For the bridges that are inspected for feasibility, among others, Siak 3 and Siak 4 bridges, flyovers on Sudirman Street intersection Imbusai/Nangka Street and Sudirman Street flyovers at Jalan Imam Munandar or Harapan Raya," said Head of Highways, Riau Province PUPR-PKPP Service, Zulfahmi, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, October 21.

According to Zulfahmi, this bridge and flyover inspection was carried out to ensure the condition of long-range bridges and roadovers to be crossed by vehicles.

This routine examination is more to ensure the feasibility of the bridge, because it has been built for several years, the inspection process has been completed and must wait for the results of the inspection.

"After an examination, the team then reviewed the results of the examination in the field. It will take the next few days to get the results. Now it is still being discussed, it can only be known for about two weeks and after the results come out, the results will only be delivered," he said.

His party deliberately collaborated with a team from KKJTJ to check the feasibility of this bridge. Because KKJTJ has qualified human resources and equipment to check the feasibility of long-range bridges and flyovers.

In addition to Pekanbaru, his party will also conduct a long-range bridge feasibility check in Riau but to check the feasibility of the bridge, his party no longer asked for help from the KKJTJ team but local consultants.

"We will also conduct an examination of regencies and cities in Pekanbaru, later we will use consultants, because if the PUPR Ministry is limited while what it must serve throughout Indonesia, it will take a long time to leave," said Zulfahmi.

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