JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) Hariyadi Sukamdani has opened his voice regarding the investigation by the Attorney General's Office (AGO) against the Employment Social Security Administration (BP Jamsostek) on allegations of corruption. He asked law enforcement to work professionally in handling this case.

According to Hariyadi, BP Jamsostek has provided clarification and contacted APINDO directly to explain this widespread issue. He also asked BP Jamsostek to follow the ongoing legal process.

"We hope that the AGO can work professionally, objectively and without intervention from any party in completing the investigation of this case," he said, in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, February 10.

BP Jamsostek, said Hariyadi, also provided clarification regarding the unrealized loss or decline in investment value that occurred in the August to September 2020 period which touched a value of IDR 43 trillion.

However, according to him, in line with the improvement in the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) and with good investment management, this value has decreased and in January 2021 to Rp14 trillion.

"We understand very well that the unrealized loss that occurred is not a loss experienced by BP Jamsostek, because the quality of investment assets owned by BP Jamsostek is in the LQ45 category or stocks that have good fundamentals," he explained.

In addition, Hariyadi said that he had been a Commissioner and Member of the Supervisory Board of BP Jamsostek so that he understood very well how rigid the investment fund management regulations became BP Jamsostek guidelines, both from external and internal regulations.

"So at BP Jamsostek, the supervision is relatively tight. Because there are representatives from stakeholders, employer representatives are there, representatives from trade unions are also there, the government is also there, representatives of community leaders are also there. Asabri, "he said.

For your information, BP Jamsostek is suspected of corrupting financial management and investment funds. Investigators at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) have ransacked his office, and a number of officials and employees are also being questioned as witnesses to the submission from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

As of February 3, the Directorate of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus), the Attorney General's Office (AGO) has examined five high-ranking securities companies as witnesses in a case of alleged corruption in financial management and investment funds at BP Jamsostek.

The five witnesses with the initials BS as Director of PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, TM as President Director of PT Indo Premier Sekuritas, IC as President Director of PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk, NY as Head of Equity Sales at PT Sucor Sekuritas, and SAP as Head of PT Valbury Sekuritas Indonesia.

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