JAKARTA - The Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, commemorated the 60th Anniversary of Dies Natalis with the theme "Maintaining Forest and Environment Sustainability in Indonesia".

This event was also attended by the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Siti Nurbaya Bakar and various parties including PT Astra Internasional.

The Minister of Environment and Forestry in his speech explained various turbulence and challenges in forest management. He hopes that academics and other parties will continue to support the government in identifying various solutions.

Among them, said Minister Siti, is to strengthen the paradigm of forest management in a sustainable manner, as well as to maintain and realize balance and justice.

"The challenges of forest resource management will continue to grow, new turbulence will continue to emerge. Let's elaborate further steps to face various challenges," said Siti at the peak of the commemoration of Dies Natalis in UGM, Yogyakarta, Friday (20/10).

According to Siti, the Faculty of Forestry of UGM has a long history and is filled with various work contributions. This includes thoughts that become references and sources of science related to forestry for the state.

The Dean of the Faculty of Forestry UGM, Sigit Sunarta, said that this time, Dies Natalis is the starting point for improving the quality of forestry science, especially tropical forests. So that in the future tropical forests will remain sustainable and can continue to contribute optimally to the life of the nation and homeland.

The theme chosen reflects the historical journey of the UGM Forestry Faculty which was founded in 1963 in support of sustainable Indonesian forest management and guarantees the function of Indonesia's ecosystem and forest environmental services for a better life in the future, "said Sigit.

Meanwhile, Astra's Head of Environment, Bondan Susilo, emphasized that he had long partnered with the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University (FKT UGM) in order to increase carbon in several objects. One form of cooperation, namely in Wanagama, Gunung Kidul in 2010 and 2012.

On the 80 hectare land, Astra and FKT UGM have planted several varieties. Starting from teak, mahogany, kemiri, ebony, jackfruit, and sandalwood.

"We are also making conservation efforts as well as empowering the surrounding community to care for these plants. Then we also have some conservation of watersheds," said Bondan.

Recently, PT Astra Internasional since 2022 has focused on capturing issues related to carbon absorption, as mandated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

This step is also an effort to reduce greenhouse gases by 30 percent in accordance with the Astra 2030 Sustainability Aspiration Program.

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