The Mataram District Attorney's Special Crime Investigators collaborated with the West Nusa Tenggara Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to calculate state losses in the alleged corruption case of misappropriation of people's business credit funds, one of the conventional state-owned banks. "Yes, for this case, investigators have asked BPKP to conduct an audit of the loss," said Head of the Mataram Kejari Intelligence Section Harun Al Rasyid in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, October 18. From the latest coordination with BPKP, he explained, his party has submitted a number of supporting evidences to calculate state losses. "So, we are just waiting for the results," he said. While waiting for the results of the audit, Harun continued, investigators were still conducting investigations. He said there was still an agenda for examining a number of witnesses, one of which was from the KUR fund recipients. By conveying this, Harun emphasized that this investigation did not lead to the determination of the suspect. "In principle, we continue to prioritize caution and are not in a hurry, especially in strengthening evidence," he said. Kejari Mataram menangani kasus ini berawal dari adanya temuan satuan pengawas internal (SPI) perbankan. Potensi kerugian muncul senilai Rp6 miliar. The finding of the potential loss came from the results of an audit of the management of KUR funds at the unit level, namely in the Kebon Roek area, Mataram City, and Gerung, West Lombok Regency. In details, a potential loss of IDR 4 billion appeared in work in the Kebon Roek area and IDR 2 billion for the Gerung area. The potential loss to the state is the calculation of the number of customers who receive KUR funds. For the Kebon Roek area, 112 customers and Gerung, 49 customers.
Then, the nominal disbursement of KUR funds per customer varies, depending on the submission category, both micro KUR and small KUR with a maximum disbursement value of IDR 100 million.

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