YOGYAKARTA - Due to the fall of the Argo Semeru train and the stop of the Argo Wilis train at Jalan Sentolo - Wates Km. 520 + 4 on Tuesday (17/10/2023), PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) will provide service recovery for users of the service. So how to refund KAI tickets after Argo Semeru's accident?

Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 6 Yogyakarta, Krisbiyantoro, said that PT KAI would distribute service recovery to affected service users similar to 100% ticket returns.

"Regarding late compensation, PT KAI issued a service recovery either at the initial station, before departing passengers or at the intermediate station or at the train affected by the disaster. The service recovery form includes a 100 percent ticket return. PT KAI will also bear medical expenses and so on because the ticket is included in the insurance," said Krisbiyantoro when met at the scene, Tuesday (17/10/2023).

Train Ticket Cancellation Requirements:

Krisbiyantoro added that PT KAI has also distributed maximum service even though the train incident has fallen. For him, PT KAI has an obligation to bring the passengers listed on the ticket to the destination station.

"We are trying to use the follow-up train like earlier towards Jakarta. We will continue with the Sawung Galih train. That way the Argo Semeru train passengers who should have joined Argo Semeru because there was an accident and then were transferred to the Sawung Galih train to go to Jakarta," he said.

He said all train expeditions passing across the South were diverted. Expeditions from the East or from the direction of Gubeng Surabaya were all diverted to Semarang to Cirebon then Jakarta and Tegal- Purwokerto. After that, those from Bandung were diverted from Kroya to Purwokerto-Tegal-Semarang-Surabaya.

"KA affected or stopped was nine trains. Then with a changed pattern of operations, PT KAI took steps or a rotating train operation pattern. This will speed up train travel so it doesn't wait for evacuations that can't necessarily be on time," he said.

Krisbiyantoro emphasized that the condition of the train and the existing route were normal. He admitted that he was surprised to find the news that Argo Semeru's train had fallen at the Sentolo-Wates Kilometer Line Petak. "Before 13.15 WIB, all trains at the control center were said to be normal. At 13.15 WIB, the driver received news that Argo Semeru's train had plummeted," he continued.

Obviously, several items belonging to passengers have been secured by PT KAI security officers. These objects will also be inventoried and sent to their respective owners.

Firmly, PT KAI is still trying to get the road covered by Argo Semeru train carriages to work. The reason is that the road will be able to reduce train delays from the West and East Wates Station. Evacuation is estimated until 21.00 WIB.

Based on observations, until 21.45 WIB, Argo Semeru's train carriages were still rolling over to close the route. 2 cranes began arriving around 21.00 and 21.25 WIB to speed up the evacuation process.

"For the path used by the Argo Semeru train, of course, it was damaged and later when the train has been evacuated on the tracks, the track will still be checked further considering the shape of the train crash is scattered. That will also result in the track or track changing construction," he concluded.

"Evacuation by lifting the train frame that fell, namely nine train series [of carriages] consisting of eight executive trains and one compartment. Then this one is also in front of the upstream route from the Argo Wilis train, one after being released the shop has also dropped but the priority is Argo Semeru train first," he continued.

Furthermore, Krisbiyantoro admitted that PT KAI would also dig further into the explanation from the driver of how far the machinist was about the incident.

He also appreciated the precise and tactical actions carried out by the Argo Wilis train driver. With this action, more damage and casualties can be avoided.

"KA Argo Wilis, we say that the driver with an incident like this is quite tactical considering doing braking at the right time. This is not serious. Maybe it would be worse if the driver was not tactical. We see this as tactical so that even if a disaster occurs, it will not be severe," he explained.

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