BOGOR - Bogor City DPRD held an audience with the Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAID) of Bogor City, last Monday. The audience was held in the DPRD leadership meeting room which was attended by Deputy Chairman II of the Bogor City DPRD, Dadang Iskandar Danubrata and Chairman of Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, Akhmad Saeful Bakhri.

During the hearing, Dadang asked for an explanation regarding data on the fulfillment of children's rights and child protection to the Bogor City KPAID. Because, according to Dadang, the fulfillment of children's rights and protection is very important considering that Bogor City, led by Mayor Bima Arya, has a vision and mission to make Bogor City a family friendly.

"We ask for input and recommendations that have been formulated by the Bogor City KPAID in building an ecosystem to fulfill children's rights and protection from upstream to downstream," said Dadang.

Later, this input from the Bogor City KPAID, stated by Dadang, will be used as an evaluation material for the work program carried out by the Bogor City Government for 4 years. The goal is to reduce the number of violence against children and maximize the need for child growth and development.

"If the fulfillment of children's rights is going well. Then the protection of children will go well by itself," said Dadang.

Akhmad Saeful Bakhri assessed that to reach the Family Friendly City, the Bogor City Government must start from fulfilling children's rights. This is expected to be stated in the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) for the Protection of Women and Children which will be discussed in the future.

"We hope that the Bogor City KPAID can help the Bogor City DPRD and the Bogor City Government in compiling the Raperda which will be discussed next year because the DP3A failed to guard the Raperda," said the man who is familiarly called Gus M.

Not only that, Gus M also asked the Bogor City KPAID to increase child protection by cooperating with the Friends of Children's Company Association (APSAI). So that the output provided by APSAI is not just a work meeting, but there is a real program that can be run.

In addition, the protection of children from Online Gender-Based Crimes (KBGO), which includes online prostitution crimes, online gambling and online bullying, must be a concern for all parties. So Gus M asked the Bogor City KPAID to target digital-based programs by adjusting the progress of the times.

Finally, Gus M requested that inclusiveness of children in Bogor City be maintained. Because children who need Special Protection (AMPK) in Bogor City who are affected by HIV, disability, children who are in conflict with the law, are affected by narcotics, victims of economic or sexual exploitation and have sexual deviation must be considered. That way, Gus M promised to provide financial support for the Bogor City KPAID program that provides benefits to Bogor City children.

"KPAID must have these data in order to formulate strategies and work programs both internally and in the Bogor City Government. Collaboration is an important key in dealing with this problem," concluded Gus M.

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