JAKARTA - The attorney for former Director of BAKTI Kominfo Anang Achmad Latif, Aldres Napitupulu, emphasized that the BTS 4G tower construction project did not stall.

The project continues despite delays due to a number of technical and non-technical problems.

"This project (BTS) does not stall and does not stop at all. Or the goods become temples or something. Because this project is still ongoing, and can be used and can be useful in serving the community," said Aldres Napitupulu, Sunday, October 15.

Aldres said that the trial also revealed that the state expenditure in the BTS project received by the providers in the BTS project was around Rp. 7.7 - 7.8 trillion.

However, the figure of expenditure is strange, because according to the indictment, the public prosecutor lost Rp. 8 trillion. So what's the story if the loss rate is greater than the money spent.

"Things like this need to prove that irregularities - irregularities in the indictment alleged against the defendants in this case, are real," he said.

Regarding the 88 BTS projects that were not completed from 4,200 BTS, continued Aldres, they had been removed from the contract. Because the contract was canceled for 88 BTS projects.

The existence of 88 BTS projects that did not happen before the investigation of this case began.

"So, the story is no longer 4,200 BTS as stated in the indictment. But 4,112 BTS. But why is the indictment still 4,200. Yes, the prosecutor knows. Because of the fact that the contract is only 4,112," he said.

It should be noted, in this case, the Attorney General's Office has named three defendants, former Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate, President Director of Bakti Kominfo Anang Achmad Latif and Human Development (Hudev) Expert at the University of Indonesia in 2020, Yohan Suryanto.

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