JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) invites people in Indonesia to gather humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people who are facing aggression from Israel. MUI Secretary General Amirsyah Tambunan said fundraising could go through mosques, educational institutions, Islamic community organizations, and legal philanthropic institutions. Amirsyah said the MUI asked to stop all forms of violence and war followed by the implementation of peace efforts based on the United Nations' resolution on Palestinian-Israeli solutions. "The war must be stopped and all troops withdraw. Israel must also grant all its rights to the Palestinian people as a sovereign and independent nation," he said in a statement, Friday, October 13, confiscated by Antara. "Stop the war, because it is useless, not only Palestine and Israel, but the whole country of the world, because every country will be injured by war," continued Amirsyah. Furthermore, Amirsyah said the MUI supports all forms of effort so that the Palestinian people are independent in order to realize a just and civilized sense of humanity. For this reason, member countries of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and other countries in the world support the Palestinian efforts to become an independent and sovereign country. "The MUI asks the Indonesian government to play an active role in carrying out the constitutional mandate of the 1945 Constitution and take proactive steps in an effort to realize lasting peace," said Amirsyah.
President Joko Widodo is known to have urged an immediate halt to the war between Israel and Palestine to prevent an increase in lives and property losses on Tuesday, October 10. Jokowi has also asked Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and related ministries/agencies to take quick action to protect Indonesian citizens who are in conflict areas. "The root of the conflict, namely the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel, must be resolved immediately according to the parameters agreed by the United Nations," he said.

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