BEIJING - Former Chairman of PWI Atal S Depari was a speaker at the 2023 Belt and Road Journalists Forum (BRJF) event in Beijing, the People's Republic of China (RRC) 12-19 October 2023. In his paper he emphasized the need to build cooperation for mutual prosperity.

Equality and transparency are very important key elements in the Sutera Line Initiative (Belt and Road Initiative) initiated by China. Equality refers to the principle that all participants in this initiative must get balanced benefits, while transparency emphasizes the importance of open and honest information in the implementation of these projects.

China has sought to promote these principles in the implementation of Belt and Road projects, by emphasizing fair cooperation, environmental protection, and better supervision of infrastructure projects. However, there are various views and controversies related to the actual implementation of equality and transparency in practice.

In the 2023 Belt and Road Journalists Forum (BRJF) activity in Beijing, the People's Republic of China (RRC), from 12 - 19 October 2023, themed "Building a Beautiful Silk Road, Jointly Promoting Prosperity and Development", the former Chairman of the Central PWI, Atal S Depari spoke in front of a forum attended by 65 journalists from 36 countries.

Atal S Depari, who is also the President of the Confederation of ASEAN Journalists Association (CAJ), raised a discussion themed "Building a Beautiful Silk Road, Together Encouraging Prosperity and Development," a topic that is very important in today's global context.

"The Silk Road, formerly an ancient trade network that connects the East and West, symbolizes not only historic trade but also exchange and cultural cooperation. Currently, in the 21st century, China's Belt and Road Initiative seeks to revive and expand this historical heritage, foster cooperation and connectivity between countries. Journalists play an important role in shaping public perceptions and understanding of this ambitious effort, "said Atal S Depari, October 12.

He said, in the spirit of unity and collaboration, PWI and CAJ are very confident that journalism must be a bridge, not a barrier, on the way to a more connected world. Our profession bears the responsibility to increase understanding, facilitate dialogue, and hold the authorities accountable.

"It is our job to provide accurate, balanced, and comprehensive Belt and Road Initiative coverage, highlighting its opportunities, challenges, and impacts on the people affected," said Atal.

To build a beautiful Silk Road in the modern era, according to the President of CAJ, we must focus on several main principles:

1. Transparency: The government, the business world, and organizations involved in the Belt and Road Initiative must prioritize transparency in their operations. This openness allows journalists to report accurately and help build trust between countries.

2. Cultural Exchange: The Silk Line is not just about trade; it is a channel of exchange of ideas, culture and traditions. Journalists must highlight the rich culture that can be woven by Belt and Road Initiatives, as well as foster mutual respect and respect.

3. Sustainable Development: As journalists, we must closely monitor the environmental and social impacts of projects along Belt and Road. The development that is responsible and sustainable is very important for the long-term success and alignment of this initiative.

4. Inclusiveness: Belt and Road Initiatives must provide benefits to all participating countries, not just a handful of people. Journalists must strengthen the sound of marginalized communities and ensure that opportunities are accessible to everyone.

5. Conflict resolution: In the news, we must also pay attention to potential conflicts that may arise due to differences of interest and perspective. Promoting dialogue and resolving disputes peacefully is very important for the success of this initiative.

" intentionally or unintentionally," he added.

"In conclusion, the One-Satu Jalan Belt and Road Initiative is a monumental effort that promises greater prosperity and development for participating countries. However, to really build a beautiful Silk Road, we must implement transparency, cultural exchange, sustainability, inclusiveness, and conflict resolution," said Atal Depari at an event organized by the All China Journalists Association (ACJA) at the Friendship Hotel, Beijing.

As journalists, he continued, it is our responsibility to uphold these principles, provide a clear and impartial view to the world regarding the progress of this initiative. By doing so, we can contribute to collective efforts to create a better future for all countries involved in the One-way Belt Initiative.

"Hopefully our work as journalists will continue to inspire cooperation, understanding, and progress along this modern Silk Road," concluded Atal S Depari, who was appointed as a member of the Presidium of Jariangan Journalists Belt and Road Network.

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