The Regional Development Planning Agency for Research and Development (Bappedalitbang) of Palangka Raya City noted that 7,900 Palangka Raya residents were indicated to be included in extreme poverty.
"As a first step, we are preparing a work program in the context of poverty all-regional apparatus collaboration,” said the Head of the Palangka Raya City Bappedalitbang, Fauzi Rahman in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng), Thursday, October 12, which was confiscated by Antara.
For this reason, he continued, the sub-district and village heads must collaborate because as the frontline of the government in Palangka Raya City, they must be able to move quickly in reducing the extreme poverty rate.
With this collaboration, he added, it is hoped that the poverty in each sub-district or sub-district can be handled more quickly.
"By synergizing with each other, of course, it will accelerate the reduction in extreme poverty. We will look back at it so that the data can be appropriate," he said.
Meanwhile, the Acting Regional Secretary of Palangka Raya City, Sahdin Hasan in his speech said that all sub-district heads and village heads must move quickly, to reduce extreme poverty in Palangka Raya City.
This “ For Palangka Raya City, there are around 7,975 residents who will be targeted for verification again. Then from that number we hope to get real data on how much it actually is, ” he said.
On the other hand, in the context of handling extreme poverty, the local government is following up on the direction of the central government in implementing food control interventions to support the Acceleration of Extreme Poverty Elimination Program (P3KE).
This is in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2022 concerning the acceleration of the elimination of extreme poverty through the Acceleration of the Elimination of Extreme Poverty.
"There are three strategies that the government together work on to make this program a success, including reducing the number of poverty bags, reducing expenses and increasing income," said Sahdin.
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