JAKARTA - Commission V DPR RI is furious because DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, and Banten Governor Wahidin Halim did not fulfill the invitation to a meeting to discuss the flood problem. They felt disrespected because the trio of governors even ordered their subordinates to take responsibility for explaining the flood problem and handling each province. In fact, the DPR has sent invitations to a meeting to discuss floods since last week. In the end, the meeting was canceled.
As positions obtained from the political process, of course governors make political decisions in carrying out their work. Al-Azhar University political observer, Ujang Komarudin, arrested that the three of them did not attend the meeting to protect their political image towards the public.
This is because the party inviting the governors to the flood management meeting in Jabodetabek are members of the parliament, not the government working with the bureaucratic system.
"Seeing their position as representatives of the people outside the government, they can certainly search according to their wishes. Moreover, they are asking for an explanation from the local government," said Ujang when contacted by VOI, Thursday, February 27.
"Therefore, these governors maintain their political image in the eyes of the public so as not to be harassed by these parliamentarians," he continued.

In addition, there are considerations of each governor in carrying out their work priorities. This is because the problem of flooding is a pain that is received directly by the community. Because of this, a regional leader felt he had to be directly involved in handling this emergency problem.
"If there is a flood problem, all eyes will be on the governor. They feel they have to go to the field. Meanwhile, if the meeting can be represented by their subordinates," said Ujang.
Therefore, Ujang suggested that the schedule of re-meeting between DPR members and governors be carried out with due observance of time availability. So, there is no reason for the number one person in DKI, West Java and Banten to be absent.
Where are they
For information, the three Governors do have a work agenda when the DPR meeting took place on Wednesday, February 26 yesterday. Anies visited several flood locations in Jakarta. Judging from the instastory posts uploaded by Anies, he is in Rawa Indah, North Jakarta. He gave a statement "reviewing the completion of flood handling" in each of his uploads.
Ridwan Kamil is currently in Australia to attend a number of work agendas. One of the agenda is to inaugurate Jabaro Cafe in Melbourne, Australia. Meanwhile, Wahidin Halim is known to have accompanied former Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) at the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) event at the Banten Governor's Hall.
The absence of the three leaders of the Jabodetabek province made the DPR RI angry. In fact, the central government ranks such as the Minister of PUPR, the Head of Basarnas, and the Head of BMKG were present to meet the invitation to the meeting. Chairman of Commission V DPR, Lasarus explained that this hearing was held with the assumption that there was poor communication between the central and local governments in dealing with floods that had occurred since the beginning of the year.

"There are still problems with coordination and communication and so on. In order not to develop in the public space, we invite you to a meeting," said Lazarus.
However, the governor's absence in the courtroom drew criticism. This is because flooding is an annual problem that needs serious handling. In fact, the parliament wants to know the extent of the strategies of the three provinces in dealing with floods.
"We are all here to solve their solutions but are ignored by the Governor. When we want to talk carefully about solving (the flood problem), it turns out that all (governors) are not in good faith," said Member of Commission V DPR RI Sadarestuwati.
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