JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he received criticism from the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD regarding public communication as a regional official has not been maximal during his year in office.

"Public communication is considered unfavorable, yes, there is a lack of human name. What I'm missing is that I add. If public communication is considered insufficient, people think that I'm not doing anything," said Heru in Pekojan Village, West Jakarta, Wednesday, October 11.

Heru admitted that he did not know whether his position would be extended or not. Heru's term as Acting Governor will end on October 17, 2023, exactly one year of his inauguration.

Heru submitted the decision to extend his position for the next year as Acting Governor of DKI to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Heru has also undergone the last evaluation in one term as Acting Governor.

"Evaluation for a year, yes tomorrow the 17th has been a year. Assigned as Acting Governor, it's up to the assignment, Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.

The chairman of the PDIP faction, Gembong Warsono, previously evaluated the performance of Heru Budi Hartono as the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta for one year. Gembong assessed that since the beginning of his tenure until now, Heru's public communication as the Acting Governor has not been maximized and needs to be improved.

"First, Pak Heru's public communication is not good. It's still the same. So, this needs to be improved," said Gembong at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Monday, October 9.

Although Heru is a bureaucrat and not a politician, Gembong assesses that expertise in communicating is also needed. In particular, in providing directions on policies and programs that are implemented.

"When communication is good, the execution will go well. But because the public communication is not good, what happens is stagnant," said Gembong.

Therefore, if Heru's term of office is again extended by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Gembong asks that Heru's public communication be improved. Then, Heru was also asked to carry out a development that had not been realized.

"Pak Heru, whose term of service is almost over, is hard work to serve the community. Executing programs that have not been executed," said Gembong.

"Then, improving the data on the poor in Jakarta. Even though there is now a polemic, data collection must be evaluated properly," he continued.

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