Mataram City Police Investigators, West Nusa Tenggara, have named 21 suspects in an arrow to police officers who have secured disputes between a number of residents of the Karang Taliwang neighborhood and residents of the Monjok neighborhood. "Yes, to this day we have named 21 people as suspects," he explained in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, October 10. The 21 suspects came from residents of the Karang Taliwang neighborhood who were revealed to have carried out arrows against police officers on Friday morning on Jalan Ade Irma Suryani, the border of two neighborhoods involved in the dispute. For 21 suspects in this case, the initials WD, UB, AK, SD, YS, SH, AR, SM, TM, EB, MS, AD, RF, MF, BL, FM, AR, FA, FO, MZ, MH. "Today there are two additions, the initials are WD and UB. They are adults," he said. Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama also explained that of the 21 suspects, 4 of them were children. "We have entrusted the suspect with child status to the Paramita Social Institution," said Yogi. Then, of the 21 suspects, 5 people were charged with being obliged to report because of the criminal threat to the alleged article applied under 5 years in prison. "The rest, 12 of our people are detained at the Mataram Police Headquarters because the criminal threat is more than 5 years in prison," he said. The alleged article leading to the detention is Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law no. 12 of 1951 relates to the possession of sharp weapons junto Article 160 of the Criminal Code related to acts of provocation. For suspects who are not detained, investigators apply Article 213 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 212 of the Criminal Code, related to persecution that caused the victim to be injured. Yogi emphasized that investigators applied the alleged article based on a series of investigations and the results of the case title. There are a number of pieces of evidence that also strengthen the police in determining 21 suspects, including video footage showing the suspect's actions, 130 arrows, 7 catapults, 60 marbles, 23 firecrackers, 3 samurai, 3 safety vests, and 3 air rifles. "We have obtained this evidence since the arrest in the arrow that occurred on Friday (6/10) yesterday," he said.
Furthermore, Yogi appealed to the public, especially those who live in two warring environments, not to repeat actions that harm many of these parties. "If there is a problem, it would be better to resolve it by deliberation without causing any harm. Let's make peace, let's create a safe and comfortable situation in our environment," said Yogi.

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