JAKARTA - A resident's house on Jalan Pahlawan Revolution, Klender Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, caught fire on Monday, October 9, early in the morning. The source of the fire began with a leak of the government's 3 kilogram gas cylinder.
"There was no fire propagation. The object caught fire, only the roof of the residents' houses due to gas leaks," said Head of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, to VOI, Monday, October 9.
Luckily, the flames were overcome by local residents who extinguished the fire by sprinkling water through makeshift equipment. A total of 6 occupants of the house were saved.
"It has been cooled starting at 08.33 WIB. The cause of the fire was a gas leak when the owner of the house was cooking. Then there was panic and the fire burned the roof of the house," he said.
In overcoming the fire, officers deployed 20 firefighters to the fire site. A total of 4 fire engines were also deployed.
"Only part of the roof of the house with an area of 4x6 meters belongs to H. Ayub (65). The fire has been extinguished, there are no victims. The owner is estimated to have suffered a loss of Rp. 50 million," he said.
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