JAKARTA - Economist Aviliani said, Jiwasraya customer refunds in the first quarter should prioritize traditional or small customers, outside of the JS Saving Plan. This is considering the number of Jiwasraya traditional customers reaching 4.7 million people, compared to JS Saving Plan customers which only amounted to 17 thousand people.
"The customers are small first. Because they are the ones who need it more. Maybe the big ones can just pay interest, make restructuring. When will they pay. Because in my opinion, this is an example that he won't pay off he will hit him everywhere. , "he told VOI, Wednesday, February 26.
Apart from small customers, said Aviliani, those who must be included in the priority list of refunds are customers who come from abroad. Because this is related to the reputation of the Indonesian state.
"Second, foreign customers. Especially from Korea. Because this will affect the reputation of our country," he said.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati opened the possibility of resolving the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) default problem by providing an injection of state capital participation (PMN).
However, he said, the plan to use state money for Jiwasraya is still waiting for the final result of an alternative settlement by the Ministry of BUMN. Sri Mulyani explained that in corporate governance, the Ministry of BUMN is in charge of Jiwasraya. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance, he said, is the ultimate shareholder in resolving the state-owned company's default case.
"We will see proposals that are more final in nature, including various possibilities. If there will be intervention from the ultimate shareholder, namely the Ministry of Finance in any form, then it will be included in the APBN Law," when met at the Ritz-Carlton, SCBD, Jakarta.
However, Sri Mulyani has not been able to confirm the use of state funds because the 2020 State Budget Law does not include a capital injection for the case experienced by Jiwasraya. If there is a budget that must be allocated, the government will only be able to provide it in the APBN Act next year.
Regarding the 2021 APBN, the Ministry of Finance will first deliver and discuss together with the Jiwasraya joint Panja. As is known, currently there are three working groups handling the Jiwasraya case, namely Commission XI, Commission VI and Commission III of the DPR.
"We will see that in the 2020 State Budget Law we are not in the post at this time, and if we enter the 2021 (APBN), we will convey it and discuss it with the board so that later we will get a complete picture of what, went, wrong," he said. .
As the ultimate share or the last shareholder, the Ministry of Finance is doing stock taking or calculating the value of the liabilities faced and calculating the value of Jiwasraya's assets and equity to pay off obligations to customers.
"Because there is a gap, the Ministry of BUMN has restructured the corporation (Jiwasraya). Various options must be carried out because the schemes of the obligations are different. There are regular insurance schemes, ordinary pension (programs), and some are unit-linked which provide large returns," he said.
Sri Mulyani did not deny that the BUMN Ministry had different treatments to provide a sense of justice. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to the sense of justice for state finances.
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