JAKARTA - As many as three police personnel became victims of arrow wounds when dispersing the masses of the residents of Karang Taliwang and Monjok who were fighting each other.

The two masses clashed on the border of the two warring neighborhoods, or to be precise on Jalan Ade Irma Suryani, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"Members who have become victims have been rushed to the Mataram City Hospital and received medical treatment," said Head of Mataram Police, Police Commissioner Mustofa in Mataram, NTB, Friday, October 6, as quoted by Antara.

Mustofa said the three policemen were hit by an arrow while dispersing the crowd at around 14:15 WITA, Friday, October 6.

The three policemen were the Head of the Samapta Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol Sofian, who was hit by an arrow in the right leg, a member of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sandubaya Police, Aiptu Ahmadin Yani Saleko, who had an arrow wound on his left leg, and a member of the Satbrimobda NTB, Brigadier Rifandi Satria, who was hit by an arrow in the back.

Even though there were victims, Mustofa emphasized that security activities were still ongoing. The activity with the TNI will run until the situation is conducive.

From being active in security, the police also arrested two youths from the Karang Taliwang neighborhood, with the initials AK (30) and RA (16).

The police arrested both of them because there were findings of evidence of dozens of arrows and catapults. Evidence allegedly used by the perpetrators in the action was found in the active security.

"One of the perpetrators found evidence (an arrow) in his waist bag," he said.

Furthermore, Mustofa said that he was still alerting members in the field to prevent returning actions from residents. For the motivation of the action, his party still suspects that there was a provocation from a group of residents.

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