JAKARTA - Social Security Administrator for Health (BPJS Kesehatan) has made efforts to ensure the adequacy of the JKN-KIS program financing. This is done so that through this program the community is not hampered in accessing health services.

Until the end of 2020, funding for this program is sufficient. Even the cash flow of the Social Security Fund (DJS) for Health began to have a surplus and the financial condition gradually became healthy.

President Director of Social Security Administrator for Health, Fachmi Idris, said that the health condition of Social Security Fund for Health which is getting healthy is shown by the ability of the Social Security Administrator for Health to pay all health service bills in a timely manner to all health facilities, including the settlement of payments for 2019 bills.

"The unaudited data recorded, after payments were made to all health facilities, as of December 31, 2020, Social Security Fund for Health had cash equivalents of IDR 18.7 trillion," he said, in a virtual press conference, Monday, February 8.

In addition, with reliable governance, Fachim said the JKN-KIS program is expected to start forming a technical reserve fund in 2021 to meet the requirements for the level of financial health of the Social Security Fund for Health according to regulations.

"Of course, for the prediction of the condition of Social Security Fund for Health in the future, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue to monitor it. By paying attention to the level of public health and seeing Indonesia's economic conditions. However, this cashflow condition of Social Security Fund for Health getting healthier become a positive thing for the sustainability of JKN-KIS Program in the future," he said.

Fachmi hopes that this baton can ease the progress of the Social Security Administrator for Health's Directors in the future. The sufficient cash flow of the Social Security Fund for Health, of course, will also have an impact on improving the service quality. Social Security Administrator for Health and stakeholders continue to monitor service delivery to participants.

In addition, health facilities are also expected to be consistent in providing quality services and not take any irregularities which will result in ineffective and inefficient health insurance program financing.

"In 2020, the number of participants' satisfaction and health facilities for the JKN-KIS Program will increase compared to the previous year. For the participant satisfaction rate, in 2019 the figure for the satisfaction of participants was 80.1 percent in 2020, it increased to 81.5 percent. Meanwhile, satisfaction for health facilities increased to 81.3 percent in 2020 from 79.1 percent in 2019," he said.

In addition, Fachmi also appealed to JKN-KIS participants to actively provide feedback (feedback) on the services provided by health facilities in order to improve and commit to the services provided. As well as continue to regularly pay dues and comply with service procedures in accordance with the provisions, as a form of support for the sustainability of the JKN-KIS Program.

"We are very grateful and appreciate the public, especially JKN-KIS participants who regularly pay dues. Thanks also to health facilities, related ministries and institutions, the Regional Government, and the Indonesian Parliament who also oversee and contribute to the sustainability of the JKN-KIS Program," he said.

Even so, said Fachmi, currently there is still a need for joint efforts to fulfill the mandate of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2018 concerning the Second Amendment to Government Regulation Number 87 of 2013 concerning Management of Health Social Security Assets.

Where Article 37 states that the financial health of Social Security Fund for Health's assets is measured based on the net assets of Social Security Fund for Health under the condition that at least the estimated claim payments are sufficient for the next 1.5 months; and a maximum of the estimated claim payment for the next 6 months.

"This healthy net asset is calculated, in insurance terms, it can be said as the minimum capital or Risk-Based Capital (RBC) from the Social Security Fund for Health to manage the JKN-KIS program. Of course, the government continues to strive to make health services for regular participants remain optimal," he said.

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