The Bima District Attorney (Kejari) examined 11 witnesses in the handling of the alleged deduction of official travel funds for employees of the Bima City Agriculture Service.

"Yes, 11 witnesses were examined, and the examination of witnesses is still ongoing," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Bima Debi Kejari who was contacted from Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Tuesday, October 3, confiscated by Antara.

The witnesses who underwent the examination, he said, were still around recipients of official travel funds who were suspected of getting a 10 percent discount during the disbursement of the funds.

For structural officials at the Bima City Agriculture Service, Debi said that investigators had not conducted an examination because it was still on a series of agendas.

"Later on, we will examine the (officials) parties, they are still scheduled," he said.

According to him, by conveying this, the handling of this case has not been revealed the role of the suspect.

Deni said that his party was still investigating the loss of the alleged cut in official travel funds.

According to him, the case of the alleged 10 percent cut in official travel funds took place in the last three years, starting from 2020.

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