Bareskrim Checks Celebrity Angela Lee Regarding TPPU Fredy Pratama Network

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri, examined the celebrity Angela Lee, today. The examination relates to the investigation of the money laundering crime (TPPU) of narcotics king Fredy Pratama.

"Yes (Angela Lee is being investigated). As a witness," said the Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa when confirmed, Monday, October 2.

The examination process for Angela Lee lasted from noon until this afternoon. However, the number of questions asked by investigators to the celebgram was not detailed.

Mukti also did not explain clearly about Angela Lee's involvement in the series of money laundering offenses against narcotics, Fredy Pratama.

The investigative team is said to be still investigating this matter. The search for clues and evidence continues.

"We are still investigating," said Mukti.

Angela Lee is not the only celebrity suspected of being involved in a series of criminal acts in the Fredy Pratama network. There are two other celebrities, namely Adelia Putri Salma and Nur Utami.

Adelia Putri Salma is a celebrity from Palembang. She and her husband Gaddafi alias David were involved in the drug syndicate Fredy Pratama.

Meanwhile, Nur Utami is a celebrity from South Sulawesi. She is S's wife who is connected to WW, the drug controller of the Fredy Pratama network in the South Sulawesi region.

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