The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto spoke about allegations by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in politics. He said that the ongoing law enforcement would certainly be accompanied by evidence.

This was conveyed in response to the news of the appointment of the Minister of Agriculture Syahril Yasin Limpo as a suspect in the alleged corruption by the anti-corruption commission.

"KPK will not be able to take any action without strong material evidence related to corruption cases. We believe the KPK," Hasto told reporters at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday, September 30.

Hasto then mentioned that they had also experienced the determination of suspects by the KPK against party cadres. However, PDIP has never accused any politicization.

"We've experienced that but what we do is self-introspect, make internal improvements," he said.

Internal improvements, continued Hasto, have also been made to date. The proof is that PDIP presents the KPK at Rakernas IV to strengthen corruption prevention.

"Even though this happened to other party ministers, PDIP continued to conduct internal evaluations, study," said Hasto. "Today we remind the three pillars of the party not to commit corruption by presenting the KPK in this very important and strategic National Working Meeting forum," he continued.

Previously reported, the KPK raised the status of alleged corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to investigation. Investigators have searched the official residence of Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo at Widya Chandra, South Jakarta.

During the search, tens of billions of rupiah and firearms were found in the form of a gun. The KPK said the investigators would analyze the findings of the money for confiscation. Meanwhile, firearms will be taken care of by the police.

As for this case, the anti-corruption commission did not want to talk about the determination of Syahrul as a suspect even though various reports said so. This institution stated that the announcement would be made together with forced detention efforts.

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