JAKARTA - Chairman of the Advisory Council of the PPP DPP Romahurmuziy said the party carrying Ganjar Pranowo would intensify the campaign of tandem between Ganjar and the legislative candidates (caleg) from the coalition political parties.

"All coalition candidates have been instructed to campaign together with Ganjar in their socialization. The intensification of the campaign between the legislative and presidential candidates is carried out," Romahurmuziy was quoted as saying by ANTARA, Friday, September 29.

This follows the results of a survey by LSI Denny JA which states that Prabowo's electability in the West Java region still leads compared to Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan, both in individual simulations and in pairs.

For individuals, Prabowo's electability was 46.1 percent, but when paired with Erick Thohir it was 43.4 percent. In second place, Anies Baswedan got 29.3 percent, then when paired with Muhaimin Iskandar it became 25.5 percent.

Meanwhile, Ganjar's electability in the simulation was 18.4 percent. However, when the simulation was paired with Ridwan Kamil, his electability reached 24.8 percent and when paired with Sandiaga Uno it rose to 20 percent.

However, the man who is familiarly called Rommy did not care about the results of the survey which stated that Ganjar's electability was still inferior to Prabowo in West Java. Because according to him, the fight for the 2024 presidential election had just begun, because Ganjar only 5 September only "free to move".

"Ganjar has been limited to geographical 'Central Java', but recent surveys show that Ganjar's electability has started to rebound after he traveled around Indonesia," he said.

He reminded that one of Ganjar's advantages compared to the other candidates was stamina. Therefore, the Ganjar coalition political parties will encourage Ganjar to go around Indonesia to greet people in various regions.

"We 'twisted' so that GP greeted more points directly. Because 'it's free' to travel around Indonesia not just on weekends," he said.

The chairman of the PPP DPP Achmad Baidowi also said the same thing that the 2024 presidential election fight did not only apply in the West Java region, but nationally, all regions are the "key" of victory for Ganjar.

"So what we are doing is how to maximize Pak Ganjar's votes in all provinces to cover the shortages in West Java," he said.

Awiek emphasized that the coalition did not want Ganjar to only win in West Java and then lose in 37 other provinces. Therefore, Ganjar's winning strategy is the perspective of Indonesia, not the only provincial perspective.

"If you only win in West Java and then in 37 other provinces you lose, you can't be inaugurated (to become President). On the other hand, winning in 37 provinces and then losing only in West Java, you will be sworn in," he said.

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