JAKARTA The perpetrator of the murder of a woman dressed in a long address in the lobby of the Laguna Central Park has been secured by officers from the Tanjung Duren Police, West Jakarta. Although he has undergone several examinations, the alleged perpetrator of AD (26) is considered to have a mental disorder.
This assumption is because AD always provides different, convoluted, confusing, and irrelevant information.
"For this answer, it's complicated, confusing, so it changes and sometimes there is also irrelevant. So here we synchronize the information of the perpetrators and then the statements of witnesses, so we suspect that for now it is possible that the perpetrator has an abnormality (psychological, ed.)," said Tanjung Duren Police Chief Kompol Muharam Wibisono Adipradono, Wednesday night, September 27.
He said indications of mental disorders of the perpetrators of the murder were also obtained from the statements of the perpetrator's mother.
"Similarly, the information we get from the victim's family, his mother and sister who say that their daily lives are at home because the perpetrator is also unemployed. So every day at the perpetrator's house also has an unnatural, strange behavioral pattern," he said.
The perpetrator's mother, he said, had offered psychological treatment to the perpetrator, but the perpetrator refused.
He said the perpetrator had never previously attacked anyone else.
"Never, no. But indeed the behavior of this perpetrator has often come there (around Central Park Mall, ed.) it shows strange behavior, it's not natural. But it doesn't attack. For example, being asked where the answer is irrelevant. Oh, I want to go to the sky and others," he said.
However, he said, the alleged mental disorder must be proven first through a medical examination.
"If we confirm that mental disorders are not yet time, we can conclude that 100 percent. But maybe there is also that way and of course we have to prove this medically," he said.
Until now, the local police have examined seven witnesses, both the victim's family and the perpetrator's family.
"Until now, we have examined approximately seven witnesses, both from relatives and the families of the victims, as well as from the families of the perpetrators, we have examined them," said Wibisono.
A woman with the initials FD (44) was killed in an area around Central Park Tanjung Duren Selatan Mall, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta, Tuesday, September 26.
Tanjung Duren Police Chief Kompol Muharam Wibisono Adipradono said his party received the information at 07.00 WIB.
"This morning (26/9), around 07.00 WIB in the morning we received a report that there was a stabbing of residents and it turned out that the result of the act caused the victim to die," he said.
Not long after the incident, his party immediately secured the stabbing perpetrator with the initials AD (26) to the Tanjung Duren Police for interrogation.
"Incidentally, not long after the stabbing, the perpetrator was arrested by the security forces and the police. For now, the perpetrator has been arrested and we are conducting deepening and interrogation of the perpetrators," he said.
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