SUMEDANG - Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenpora RI) supports the PBSI Sumedang x Eagle Cup 2023 tournament. This badminton tournament lasts for three days, from Thursday 24 August to Saturday 26 August at Gor Tadjimalela, Jalan Pangeran Sugih Number 42, Sumedang Regency.

Hundreds of students from elementary, junior high, to high school / equivalent levels from various sub-districts in Sumedang participated in this championship. With the numbers played by the men's singles / daughters, men's / daughters' doubles, to the men's team / daughters.

"On behalf of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, we appreciate this activity. Of course this is an early childhood development, then also the development of sports cultivation, also makes young people more active in exercising," said the Head of the (Head of the) Regulation of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports Protocol, Indra Jayaatmaja, who was present in this tournament.

According to Indra, this activity is in accordance with what is being promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports in terms of cultivating sports in the community, especially badminton. The Ministry of Youth and Sports itself recently launched the Kemenpora Inter-Campung Championship (Tarkam) event with badminton as one of the sports being competed.

Tarkam's concept is used as a brand and repackaged better, including by using technology. So that it becomes more professional and interesting to follow.

"Just like this tournament, the Tarkam Kemenpora championship was also attended by athletes from sub-districts in various regions in Indonesia," said Indra, who is also the General Chair of PBSI Sumedang.

This Tarkam Championship, he added, in addition to being a place to find achievements, also has an impact on moving the community's economy. This spirit was also seen at the Eagle Cup 2023 event, with the rise of traders, MSMEs, and related services carrying out economic activities around the tournament location.

Furthermore, Indra socialized the theme song of the Tarkam Championship titled "Indonesia Is Us" which was created and sung by Charly Van Houten specifically for the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The song, which was also played at the opening of the Eagle Cup 2023, is said to be part of education to unite Indonesia, especially in the field of sports.

In the opening of this championship, a men's doubles exhibition match was held between former Pelatnas athletes Berry Anggiawan and Rian Agung Saputro against the outstanding athlete pair from Sumedang.

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