JAKARTA - Representing the Minister of Youth and Sports of the International Republic (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo, Sesdep Pemuda Empowerment Esa Sukmawijaya attended the commemoration of International Youth Day at the Indonesian National Center of Nations, Jakarta, Saturday 12 August. The Ministry of Youth and Sports hopes that youth in the country will be able to strengthen the network between the two.

"Our youth are scattered from Sabang to Merauke, of course we hope they are able to strengthen the network of fellow youth, both in the community and in the organization that exists," said Sesdep Esa.

In the forum, Sesdep Esa talks about global issues. For example, education, health, social, and the environment. He wants young people to be sensitive to these issues.

"We want youth to be able to respond quickly to global issues. To achieve that good goal, youth must strengthen their networking to anyone. So that they are able to develop ideas or ideas that are good for the benefit of the nation," he explained.

Furthermore, Sesdep Esa also advised that the participants who reached 100 people present could develop skills and become agents of change.

"Hopefully with this meeting they can be more solid, compact, harmonious. Able to develop the expertise of each other," he explained.

The commemoration of International Youth Day is celebrated annually on August 12. International Youth Day 2023 carries the theme "Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World" which means "Green skill for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World". This theme is a form of support for starting the green transition.

The commemoration of International Youth Day stems from recommendations from the results of the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth held in Lisbon, August 8-12, 1998. On December 17, 1999 through a resolution of 54/120 of 1999, the UN General Assembly designated August 12 as International Youth Day.

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