JAKARTA - Witness Windi Purnama revealed that there was a flow of funds related to the project to provide Base Tranceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure to Commission I of the DPR worth Rp70 billion. The transfer of money was mentioned through Nistra Yohan twice.
Windi Purnama is the Director of PT Multimedia Berdikari Sejahtera who is also a suspect in the BTS corruption case. He was presented as a crown witness for the defendants Johnny G. Plate, Anang Achmad Latif and Yohan Suryanto.
The facts about the trial regarding the flow of funds to Commission 1 of the DPR began when Judge Sukartono questioned Windi regarding the handover of money.
"Mr. Windi, did you meet Nistra?" asked Judge Sukartono during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, September 26.
"It was Your Majesty," replied Windi.
"Isn't it asked, who is Nistra's envoy?" said Judge Sukartono, who was immediately answered 'No' by Windi.
Hearing this statement, Judge Sukartono then questioned and studied Windi's statement, the figure of Nistra who was the envoy from Commission 1.
Then, Windi argued that only the K1 code he knew. Even then, after being informed by Anang Achmad Latif.
"I know that K1 is from Mr. Anang and I also asked Mr. Irwan, who is K1. I understand from him, K1 is Commission 1," he said.
"Rp 70 billion?" asked Judge Sukartono sure. "That's right, Your Majesty," Windi replied.
Then, Windi explained the process of handing over money. He met Nistra Yohan twice at different places and times. However, the amount of each gift is not conveyed
"The first was at home in Gandul, the second was handed over to the hotel in Sentul, at the Aston Hotel if I'm not mistaken," he said.
"Is it true that he received it?" asked Judge Sukartono confirmed.
"That's right," said Windi.
"Who did he say he didn't do it for?" said Judge Sukartono.
"There is no Your Majesty," Windi replied.
As previously reported, witness Irwan Hermawan said that Nistra was one of the staff of a member of the DPR. Although, it does not know for sure.
"Recently I know from my lawyer that he is a political person, a member of the DPR staff," said Irwan.
Irwan also said that the money given to Nistra reached Rp70 billion. The money was handed over twice.
"I gave it twice, Your Majesty. The total is approximately Rp. 70 billion," said Irwan.
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