TANGERANG - The presidential candidate (Readpres), Ganjar Pranowo, talked about the development of MSMEs when he was a mentor to entrepreneurs throughout Banten, in Youth Kuring Resto Tangerang City, Sunday, September 24. According to him, the government must be involved and in favor of small and medium entrepreneurs.

"On average, those present are small entrepreneurs. The ideas were good. Several problems were raised. Starting from making it easier to access capital to adapting the market that is entering the digital era," said Ganjar.

Ganjar Pranowo explained the importance of the government's presence to continue to develop MSMEs in the midst of online social media-based trade.

"I think the government's intervention when the people's market then changes a bit drastically like this really has to be involved," he said.

The former governor of Central Java for two terms said that the way to defend local entrepreneurs is that there must be legal certainty that regulates, one of which contains the ease of business licensing.

"If it is regulated, entrepreneurs will get easy permits and enforcement. They will be happy and run their business comfortably," he said.

No less important, the government must provide guidance for MSME actors. For example, improving product quality, bookkeeping, packaging, to marketing that is adaptive to the times. In addition, train them to operate.

"Umpama, the meatball seller, the problem is the supply of meat, shallots, chilies are a continuous problem," he explained.

So, according to Ganjar, what must be done is to create a cooperative. With the cooperative, traders can have business units, meat procurement, chili business units, onion business units, and others.

"If necessary, they cooperate with kelmpok farm. Then maintain continuity," he added.

To note, while serving as Governor of Central Java, Ganjar has advanced MSMEs in Central Java with various programs and policies to advance to class.

Among other things, helping to promote MSMEs through the Ganjar Lapak program, facilitating training for MSME players and also facilitating halal certification.

Ganjar Pranowo also helps MSME players to access capital by cooperating with banks.

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