JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin asked all people to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination program, which is currently a priority program in the midst of a pandemic. This is because this program requires support from all parties without exception.

"I really hope that we all follow this (vaccination, red) program so that we can tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and improve Indonesia's economic activities in the future," Budi said in an online discussion broadcast on YouTube PPI Dunia Channel, Saturday, February 6. .

He said Indonesia had started giving COVID-19 vaccinations since last January. The vaccination is divided into several stages with a total target of 181.5 million people in the country.

The first phase of the vaccine, said Budi, was carried out by targeting health workers in 34 provinces with a target of 1.4 million people. The next stage, vaccination will target public service officers, vulnerable communities, people in high risk areas, to the general public.

"So that the whole program is expected to be achieved within one year," he said.

With this target, Budi then hopes that all parties can provide support. "Because the success of vaccination really needs the full support of all parties, both across programs and across sectors, and all young people everywhere," he said.

As previously reported, the first batch of vaccinations will be carried out from January to April 2021 with the target of 1.3 million health workers in 34 provinces, 17.4 million public officers, and 21.5 million elderly citizens.

The second batch of vaccinations will be carried out from April 2021 to March 2022 with a target of 63.9 million people in areas with high transmission risk and 77.4 million other community members using a cluster approach according to the availability of vaccines.

The government has confirmed orders for 329.5 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from several vaccine manufacturers, including the Chinese pharmaceutical company, Sinovac; US-Canadian vaccine manufacturer Novavax; British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca; and the German and US pharmaceutical company Pfizer BioNTech.

Regarding the provision of vaccines to health workers, as of Friday, February 5 yesterday, out of a total target of 1.4 people, the government has currently carried out stage one vaccinations for 744,884 people. Meanwhile, health workers who have received the second phase of vaccination reached 120,725 people.

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