JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Jombang Regency, East Java, said that the number of refugees in the area continued to increase due to the increasingly widespread floods due to the broken responsibility.

"Currently, there are five villages affected by the flood, namely Brangkal, Gondang Manis, Banjarsari, Pucangsimo, and Bandar Kedungmulyo," said Pepi Stevy Maria, member of Pusdalops BPBD Jombang Regency in Jombang.

He said that currently there are more people who are displaced. Until Saturday morning, 1,200 refugees were registered.

They live in refugee camps that have been prepared by the Jombang Regency Government. The main refugee camps are located at two points, namely in Brangkal Village and Gondang Manis Village, Bandar Kedungmulyo District, Jombang Regency.

However, the location of the public kitchen remains at the Bandar Kedungmulyo District office. Public kitchen staff and volunteers provide logistical needs, both for eating and drinking.

Stevy revealed that the current water level is still quite high, around 20 cm, some even 3 meters, depending on the area.

"The average starts at 20 cm, but some are 3 meters. That is indeed a low topographical position," he said.

Previously, the Regent of Jombang Mundjidah Wahab ensured that the needs for flood victims in the area were fulfilled, so that residents who had fled did not have to worry. The Jombang Regency Government will also send clean water, toilets and other necessities.

The Regent also coordinates directly with the Brantas River Basin Center (BBWS) regarding the solution to the broken embankment. This is done because the river is under the authority of BBWS. "We immediately coordinated with BBWS Brantas, because this river is the authority of BBWS," said the Regent.

The flood that occurred in Bandar Kedungmulyo District, Jombang Regency was due to a broken embankment. The length of the break also varies between 4-5 meters. As a result of the collapsed embankments of the Afvour Besuk and Afvour Brawijaya Rivers, river water overflowed into rice fields and residential areas.

Until now, the embankment has not been closed due to the high water discharge. What's more, if it rains upstream, the water discharge will be even higher, so the overflow will also be high.

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