Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution spoke about the viral video of a Medan 15 State Junior High School teacher who claimed to be intimidated and his salary was withheld by the principal.

Bobby Nasution requested that all relevant parties be examined, including the teacher concerned.

"I have asked everyone to check, both the principal, including the teacher himself," he said after being the inspector of the ceremony at the opening of the TNI Manunggal to build the 118th Village at Benteng Medan Field, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 20.

Bobby Nasution received information that the teacher rarely entered because he preferred to teach in private schools.

"He's an ASN, teaches at SMP Negeri 15, but I got information that he rarely enters and prefers to teach at private junior high schools," said Bobby Nasution.

For this reason, the mayor continued, he asked that the teacher be also examined.

"If it is a serious disciplinary violation, it must be severe punishment too. Because he left his job at the State Junior High School. Not because it went viral, then he was right," he said.

Bobby Nasution emphasized that the way the principal gave the punishment might be wrong and even had been reprimanded. But the basis for him to give the punishment must also be respected.

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