TULUNGAGUNG - Tulungagung District Attorney's Office, East Java, returned the examination procedure for the murder of a married couple (couple) in the Ngantru regional swimming pool because it was considered incomplete and needed improvement.

"Yes, we have handled the case and it was declared P19 status or returned and P18 (improvement) was carried out," said Tulungagung District Attorney's Head of Intelligence, Amri Rahmanto Sayekti, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 20.

According to Amri, the team of prosecutors appointed as candidates for the prosecutor in handling the case assessed that there were several articles that needed to be added to the BAP.

According to him, maturation at the stage of the examination procedure file is an important part of going to the next legal process, namely prosecution and trial.

"The legal process is still ongoing, we are handling this case professionally and proportionally," he said.

Amri stated that until now there has been no new evidence or additional witnesses.

He said there were several things that still needed to be explored more deeply to strengthen evidence at trial.

"That's what we hope there will be reinforcement for evidence at trial," said Amri.

He said that his party hopes that investigators can fulfill the instructions from the District Attorney's Office so that prosecutions can be carried out as soon as possible.

Previously, husband and wife Tri Suharno and Ning Rahayu from Ngantru Village/District, Tulungagung were victims of murder on Wednesday (28/6).

The victim was first found by her son on Thursday (29/6) in the family karaoke room located not far from the parent house.

Both were found dead covered in blood with the position of their feet tied and the mouth covered with cloth and duct tape.

The victim's family asked for help from the famous lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea, for finding irregularities in the murder.

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