MEDAN - The Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu), Edy Rahmayadi asked the regent / mayor not to sacrifice children by forcing face-to-face learning in schools.

This was said by the Governor of Edy in response to the plan of the Regent of Tapanuli Tengah (Tapteng), Bakhtiar Ahmad Sibarani, who insisted and made sure that he would continue to open face-to-face learning even if he did not get permission from the governor.

"The issue of education, the authority is in the regions, but in this world, no one has opened a school. Yesterday it was opened briefly by Korea, after that it was closed again. In Indonesia, there is no region that has opened schools. Why, this needs evaluation, especially Covid. again at high levels, "said Governor Edy, Friday, February 5.

"Today alone we have 126 (COVID-19 cases)," he continued.

This former Pangkostrad emphasized that the absence of face-to-face learning was the decision of the experts consisting of pediatricians, child psychologists and others. Not the governor's decision.

"If those who are asked by economic figures will definitely want to go to school. Angkot is only 60 percent left because school children are closed, all school canteens are closed," he explained.

The Governor of North Sumatra admitted that from an economic point of view, online learning is quite difficult.

"From an economic point of view, it is done online, it is economically disadvantaged. From coaching, yes, face-to-face is much better from a distance. The current problem is that the WHO, Inpres, Pergub and even Perda, please understand," he said.

"Our face-to-face school has to pay attention to our children, we who are adults are difficult to manage. Moreover, our children who like to play, he came home, grandparents got hit, we are half dead," he continued.

It is known, the Regent of Tapanuli Tengah (Tapteng), Bakhtiar Ahmad Sibarani, insisted that he would continue to open face-to-face learning. The problem is, not all students there have smartphones for distance learning. This became the basis for him planning to open a face-to-face learning school.

"I will write to the governor, the minister of education and culture about face-to-face learning. If the governor does not agree with his business, we will continue," said Bakhtiar, when contacted, Thursday, February 4.

Bakhtiar said face-to-face learning will be conducted specifically for SMP and SD. Because it is said to be his authority.

"If the governor doesn't want to open a high school, that's his business, we will take care of that which is our authority," he said.

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