YOGYAKARTA - As a presidential candidate, Ganjar Pranowo is committed to eradicating corruption that has spread everywhere. This action will be a priority if elected president. In addition, strengthening corruption eradication institutions such as the KPK, the Prosecutor's Office, and the Police will also be carried out.

He made this statement at the Mata Najwa On Stage event at Grha Saba UGM, Tuesday, September 18 evening. "Whatever our budget, no matter how good the development plan is, if corruption still happens, it can't be. So law enforcement must be strengthened. The Attorney General's Office, the police and the KPK must be strengthened," said Ganjar.

Corruption in Indonesia, Ganjar Pranowo continued, has become a habit. People are used to being corrupt, many policies are corrupt, corrupt systems and rules and corrupt officers practice. "So the solution is the Basmi. Strengthening law enforcement agencies, regulations are improved, institutions are organized and place strong actors there," he said.

The concrete thing that Ganjar will do when he is elected president is that. Law enforcement regulations are strengthened, the system is strengthened and looking for the right person to lead these anti-rasuah institutions.

"When the system is good but the actors are not good, this will not work. If the system is not good but the actor is good, then the actor will drive it to be good," he said.

In addition to strengthening anti-corruption institutions, Ganjar Pranowo emphasized that anti-corruption education is also something that must be boosted. He realized that eradicating corruption by only relying on crackdown or repression, would never solve the root of the problem.

"So we do important anti-corruption education. Education in the community continues to be boosted so that anti-corruption awareness arises in all elements of society. I have done that in Central Java, and it worked," concluded Ganjar Pranowo.

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