Susanto, a fake doctor at the PHC Surabaya Hospital clinic, was sentenced to four years in prison. The Public Prosecutor (JPU), Ugiek Ramantyo, said that Susanto was proven to have committed fraud at PT Pelindo Husada Citra (PHC) as a fake doctor.

"Asking the Panel of Judges at the Surabaya District Court (PN) to sentence the defendant Susanto to four years in prison, minus the detention period," said Ugiek Ramantyo, during a trial at the Surabaya District Court (PN), Monday, September 18.

Susanto was found guilty of pretending to be a medical worker or doctor at a clinic owned by PT PHC for more than two years. Susanto was also legally and convincingly proven guilty, committed a crime of using a false name or fake dignity, with deception, or a series of lies in accordance with Article 378 (KUHP).

A number of things that incriminate Susanto's demands are because she has committed similar crimes in the past, and has disturbed the public. Then the defendant was once a recidivist in the same case, and did not regret his actions.

"The defendant also disturbed the public, and enjoyed the results of the crime and the five defendants have the potential to cause community losses. There is no mitigating thing for the defendant," he said.

Hearing the reading of the charges, the defendant Susanto then asked the Panel of Judges for relief. He said the crime was committed to finance the needs of the family.

"Please relief, I was forced, Your Honor. I have dependents on my children and wife," said Susanto.

As is known, a man from Central Java Susanto was charged with fraud for claiming to be a doctor and working at PT Pelindo Husada Citra (PHC) for more than two years. Even though he only graduated from high school.

Susanto is said to have stolen data, identities and documents belonging to a original doctor from Bandung, to trick one of the hospitals belonging to the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN).

It started when PT PHC opened job vacancies to fill the position of clinical service staff as Doctor First Aid, on April 30, 2020.

Susanto, who knew about the vacancy, then applied with a fake file and identity. He stole data belonging to a original doctor from Bandung, Dr. Anggi Yurikno, through the site.

The files of Dr. Anggil that he stole include a Doctor's Practice Permit (SIP), Medical Certificate, Identity Card and Hyperkes Certificate. He changed the photos on the documents without changing their contents.

The recruitment process to interviews were carried out online because at that time it was still in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Long story short, Susanto was successfully accepted by PT PHC. He was then assigned as a Fulltimal Hyperkes Doctor at the K3 Clinic of PT Pertamina EP IV Cepu managed by PT PHC, since June 15, 2020.

While working as a fake doctor, Susanto got a salary of Rp. 7.5 million per month. The wages still do not include allowances and other facilities.

Susanto's action was only revealed on June 12, 2023, when PT PHC asked for a job application document to extend Susanto's contract period. When the inspection was carried out, the management found a number of discrepancies in the files.

Due to this irregularity, the management of PT PHC then contacted Dr. Anggi Yurikno for clarification. Then it was discovered that the person concerned had been working at the Pangalengan Bhakti Sehat Hospital in Bandung, and never once knew let alone applied for a job in Surabaya.

Susanto was also charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code. He is considered to have committed a criminal act of fraud to benefit himself, by using false names and dignity, trickery, and committing a series of lies

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