PAN Responds To PKB Regarding Jokowi's Political Stalls: There Has Never Been An Instruction From The President To Support Prabowo-Erick
Deputy Chairperson of the National Mandate Party Viva Yoga Mauladi. (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) responded to the political rumors of President Joko Widodo asking PKB to support the Prabowo Subianto-Erick Thohir pair as presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the 2024 election. Waketum PAN Viva Yoga Mauladi ensured that President Jokowi's instructions were not instructed so that the government's supporting political parties would carry certain pairs in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. "I don't know about the PKB. But President Jokowi's National Mandate Party has never instructed them to support b, never," said Viva to VOI, Saturday, September 16. Viva emphasized that PAN as a party supporting the government would certainly discuss with the president regarding the 2024 presidential election.

He emphasized that PAN maintains an independent and consistent attitude as an independent political party.

President Jokowi, said Viva, handed over the affairs of the presidential and vice presidential candidates to every political party.

Even if there is something that is mentioned by PKB regarding the president's directive to support Prabowo-Erick, he continued, PAN does not know anything. "Pak Jokowi also handed over all decisions to their respective political parties. As for PKB, I don't know," explained Viva.

He explained that PAN's support for the SOE minister as well as the chairman of PSSI was because his performance could complement Prabowo. "Mas Erick Thohir is a red and white chest, has electability, besides that he is a professional, technocrat and sports lover, and that is all an important part of increasing the electoral process so he was chosen to be Prabowo's vice presidential candidate," explained Viva.

"Mas Erick and PAN are not other people, but part of PAN and PAN proposed Mas Erick Thohir to be the vice president of Pak Prabowo," he added.

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