Police Arrest Perpetrators Of Online Media Bureau Murder In Jombang
DOK Public Relations Of The Jombang Police

Jombang Police arrested Moch. Hasan Safi'i alias Daim, the perpetrator of the sadistic murder that occurred in Sambong Duran, Jombang Village, Jombang District, Jombang.

The victim is known as Mohammad Sapto Sugiyono, Head of Bureau of one of the local online media.

"The perpetrator is Moch. Hasan Safi'i alias Daim, (55), a resident of Sambongduran Hamlet, Sambongdukuh Village, Jombang District, Jombang Regency. This is thanks to information from colleagues and the community, so we immediately secure the perpetrators and are currently undergoing intensive examination," said Deputy Chief of Police Jombang Kompol Hari Kurniawan during a press conference Friday, September 15.

Hari said the perpetrator was arrested at the perpetrator's house not far from the location of the persecution. The victim is a neighbor of the perpetrator. "The victim was secured around the perpetrator's house, and several pieces of evidence were also secured," he said.

Currently, the perpetrator is still under intensive investigation by the police. The perpetrator is suspected of Article 338 Jo 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment, or for a certain period of time a maximum of twenty years.

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