The Family Of A Ubaya Student Who Was Killed In A Disappointed Suitcase, The Perpetrator Was Not Tried
Angeline Nathania's family, a student for murder/PHOTO victims: AM Sby-VOI

SURABAYA - The Surabaya District Attorney (Kejari) returned the file for the transfer of phase I alias 19, the case of the murder of a student at the University of Surabaya (Ubaya) in a suitcase.

The Angeline Nathania family, a student victim of murder, is disappointed with the Surabaya Police who have not completed the file.

"Even though the autopsy results, and especially forensic experts related to the cause of death of the victim, to clarify the autopsy results of Angeline Nathania's victim, the murder victim. We are also disappointed because many were not revealed by the police during the investigation," said Bambang, the victim's father during a press conference with the Ubaya Advocate Team, Thursday, September 14.

In fact, said Bambang, his son who was a victim of murder has proven very strong. This is known based on the autopsy results, which included showing a series of bruises, to wounds resulting from sexual violence.

"After the autopsy results that I knew from the prosecutor, he explained that Angel died of physical violence first. (Angel) suffered bleeding in the brain, bruises on his face, chest, and stomach, he also experienced sexual violence in vital organs, torn several centimeters," he said.

Bambang admitted that his family was still hit not only because of Angeline's departure, but also the legal process for the case which has not yet been completed.

Moreover, the autopsy results prove that Angeline received a series of physical to sexual violence, which was carried out by the suspect Rochmad Bagus Apriyatna alias Roy, who is also the victim's high school music tutor.

"We, the family, feel that there is one-sided weight, the statement was directed by the perpetrators, but the family was not allowed to deny it (the perpetrator's statement). The reconstruction was also closed, there was no media covering," he said.

Bambang strongly suspects that the murder of his daughter was not carried out by the suspect Roy alone. The reason is, in the reconstruction that was carried out behind closed doors on July 5 and 6, 2023, it was found that Angelina was murdered in a booth inside the suspect's house.

"The room is only limited to partitions and not walls, I think it's strange if there is something related to it but the others don't know. Our Angeline is a strong child, she will definitely fight it if it is hurt. I think it's impossible if no one helps the suspect," he said.

"The family hopes that this case file will be completed soon or P-21 and the case can proceed to the trial stage. The family also wants the police to really feel sorry for and fully help for the sake of justice of this victim," he added.

The attorney for the Surabaya University (KLH Ubaya) law service office, Salawati, questioned the motive for the murder that was not clearly explored by investigators. In fact, he said, during the case reconstruction process and the facts revealed, it clearly shows the motive for controlling the victim's car, strengthening the elements of planning for the murder in accordance with Article 340 of the Criminal Code.

"Then the suspect's statement changed regarding the place and mode of murder as well. We and the victim's family confirmed that the suspect was also involved in the alleged crime of detention, so there needs to be an application of Article 480 of the Criminal Code," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Intelligence at the Surabaya Kejari, Putu Arya Wibisana, confirmed the return of the murder case of a Ubaya student with the initials AN.

This return is because there are files that need to be completed by investigators from the Surabaya Police.

"The file is still P-19, so we returned the file to the Surabaya Police for completion," he said.

Therefore, his party asked investigators to complete it with several clues that had been attached. "There is still a lack of formal and material requirements in the case file with the prosecutor sending instructions to the investigator to be completed," he said.

As is known, it has been more than three months since the murder of Angeline, a Surabaya student, has been going on for more than three months. However, until now there has not been trial after the determination of the suspect, June 6, 2023.

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Surabaya District Attorney stated that the file for the investigation of the Angeline case was incomplete or P-19. This means that there are still shortcomings in this criminal case case, so the Surabaya Police investigators have to repair the file again.

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