The Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, invited the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to clarify the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) of the Head of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Sumsel) Sarjono Turin.

"It doesn't matter, go ahead, it is the duty of citizens to convey the correct LHKPN. And the KPK's obligation to clarify physically," explained Sumedana at the AGO, South Jakarta, Wednesday, August 13.

All ASN have an obligation to report LHKPN. And, said Ketut, the task of the KPK as a state institution is to clarify, including physically.

The AGO itself has clarified directly against Sarjono Turin. Asked about the results of the clarification, Ketut answered diplomatically.

"He has clarified it to the media and has clarified it to us. We have clarified it. (The result) Yes, it is administrative," Sumedana said briefly.

LHKPN Sarjono Turin has been issued by the KPK. He only recorded an additional assets of IDR 450 million.

From the latest LHKPN reported on March 25, 2023 for the 2022 period, Sarjono recorded a total wealth of Rp2,107,555,082. Meanwhile, in 2020, the report submitted was Rp. 1,657,555,082.

Sarjono in the latest report did not reveal the increase in the value of land and building assets from the latest report. The amount is still the same, which is Rp. 1,061,791,000.

Meanwhile, transportation equipment has increased due to the addition of one Toyota Camry 2,5V A/T in 2022 with a value of IDR 600 million. So that the value becomes IDR 895 million.

Although the latest former KPK prosecutor's wealth report has been uploaded, netizens still highlight it. The X @logiskapolitid account alludes to the similarity of land asset values that have not changed in 2020 and 2022.

"Cie updated the LHKPN. When do you want to update the price of land? It's still protected by his favorite subordinates, the boss @ST_Burhanuddin @Kejaksaan RI?", tweeted the anonymous account.

Meanwhile, KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan highlighted the small value of Sarjono's land and building assets.

"The person concerned used the purchase price in 2008," he said when contacted on Monday, September 4.

He is considered not to have updated the figure according to the market price or the Tax Object Selling Value (NJOP).

"So it looks really small, the price was 15 years ago," concluded Pahala.

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