JAKARTA - Thousands of social media users in Myanmar, including several elected parliamentarians from Myanmar's National League for Democracy (NLD), are joining a campaign on social media to denounce China and Russia.

This action came after the two countries refused the efforts of the UN Security Council to issue a statement condemning the Myanmar military coup. China and Russia asked for more time to consider decisions to censured military action.

Knowing this, the public campaign condemning China and Russia began to circulate widely on Facebook and Twitter, Myanmar's most popular social media platforms immediately echoed.

One post that was widely shared on social media read, “We must condemn Russia and China for offering support and protection to unlawful military governments. Loud and clear!".

Some Twitter users shared the view that China and Russia have always supported Myanmar's military to advance its own interests. They asked other social media users to join the campaign.

Another post shared by a Facebook user read: “We must not forget to denounce Russia and China. We need to oppose them as enemies because they are helping [the military] to threaten the sovereignty of the country and the democratically elected government".

"We do not accept this illegal act by the military. As a member of parliament from the NLD, I want the international community to know about it", said Dr. Wai Phyo Aung, an elected NLD member of parliament who joined the campaign on social media for The Irrawaddy.

“We want these two countries to stand with us because they have influence over the Myanmar military. That's why I joined the campaign", he added.

Since Monday's military takeover, Myanmar internet users have launched social media campaigns against the military regime with tags such as #civil disobedience, #stay at home movement, and #save Myanmar. Many civilians have posted messages on Facebook asking Western countries to save Myanmar from military governance.

Ko Aung Myat, a student who joined the campaign on Twitter, said Myanmar people needed international strength to oppose military action.

"We will continue to condemn China and Russia if they continue to support the military. We will tell them clearly that military action is really against us", said Ko Aung Myat.

To note, the anti-Chinese sentiment is increasing among the people of Myanmar, after six decades of Myanmar's military rule, China is the closest ally in the political and economic fields that only benefits the rulers.

Meanwhile, Russia is a close ally of Myanmar in the military. Myanmar is a regular customer of Russian arms buyers. Other than that, Myanmar also sends its military officers to follow an education at Russian military academies.

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