Pekalongan Police, Central Java, managed to apprehend two suspected narcotics and drugs (drugs) as well as confiscated 109.8 grams of crystal methamphetamine and a motorcycle. Pekalongan Police Chief AKBP Recky Robertho said the two suspects had the initials HR (27), a resident of Panjang Wetan Village and ME, a resident of Bandengan Village, North Pekalongan District. "The suspect HR was arrested by the police while carrying out drug transactions on Jalan Kusuma Bangsa, North Pekalongan District with evidence of 104.2 grams of crystal methamphetamine being arrested at his house with evidence of 5.6 grams of crystal methamphetamine," he said in Pekalongan, Antara, Monday, September 11. Disclosure of cases began with information that transactions or drug abuse and illicit trafficking often occur at that location. The police who received the information, he said, then conducted an investigation and arrested the suspects. "After testing positive, we moved to the location and secured the HR suspect along with the evidence," he said. Based on the statement of the suspect HR, the methamphetamine was obtained from someone in the Solo area and he was only an intermediary (curry). "No buy, only ordered and later received a commission of Rp. 2.5 million," said suspect HR. Meanwhile, in the arrest of the suspect ME, he said, after his party received information from the public who suspected that the perpetrator's house was often used as a location for narcotics abuse transactions. After an investigation by the team on September 5, 2023, he said, the police found evidence in the form of 5.6 grams of crystal methamphetamine stored by the suspect ME at his home. For his actions, the perpetrator will be subject to Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 112 paragraph 2 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum penalty of six years in prison and a maximum of 20 years.

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