JAKARTA - Earlier this September, the PWI extended family was devastated by the news of the arrest of Upa Labuhari (UL), an advocate for DKI Jakarta by the Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati). UL was taken from Jakarta to the city of Bengkulu. For this incident, the General Chairperson of PWI Pusat Atal S Depari entrusted this case to law enforcement.

UL, in addition to advocate professions, is also a journalist, a member of PWI DKI Jaya. In membership data at the Central PWI Secretariat, UL holds an ordinary membership card (KTA-B) number 09.00.1497.78 with a lifetime status.

As in the regulations of the organization or Household Regulation (PRT) Chapter III of PWI Article 9 paragraph (4), journalists over 60 years of age are given KTA-B Life.

The arrest of UL was not at all related to his profession as a member of PWI. In this case, UL carried out his profession as an advocate related to the corruption case of the Health Operational Assistance (BOK) funds of the Health Center in Kaur Regency.

"UL was detained on Monday, September 4, 2023 by the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office for allegedly obstructing the investigation," said Head of Investigation of the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office. The arrest of UL was directly led by the Deputy Head of the Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Office, Victor Antonius.

During the launch process to Bengkulu, it was suspected that UL covered his head using a jacket bearing the PWI logo, he said that he was also a journalist, holder of Press Card Number One (PCNO), Press Card Number One PWI.

For the incident of the arrest of UL, the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Central PWI, Atal S Depari, felt concerned, disappointed, and at the same time criticized this case.

"As a member of our PWI, of course I am very concerned, disappointed and condemn this to happen, however, I also still respect the legal process in Indonesia," explained Atal S Depari.

In addition to the expression of disappointment from the Head of the Central PWI, the Secretary General of the Central PWI, Mirza Zulhadi, promised that he would not be able to impose any sanctions on UL as a member of PWI. The Central PWI attitude awaits the legal process until it has permanent strength (inkracht).

"The decision of the PWI Central Management plenary meeting on Saturday, September 9, 2023, so that this case is not linked with the PWI organization, then temporarily disable UL as a member of PWI," said Mirza Zulhadi, Sunday, September 10.

He said, so far, the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) has always supported and even encouraged its members to work or excel in state institutions, such as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission at the central and regional levels (KPI-KPID), the Information Commission (KI), Komnas HAM, the General Election Commission (KPU), the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), the Film Censorship Institute (LSF), as long as it does not conflict with its status and function as a journalist by upholding the integrity of its profession.

"PWI support is solely to provide opportunities for its members in carrying out the professional function of citizenship in state institutions they carry out. At the same time, they can uphold the principles of professional and dignified press independence," said Mirza.

Meanwhile, he continued, the professions of journalists and advocate professions are two professions that must be carried out professionally with each other. Both also have a professional code of ethics. In carrying out their duties, for those with journalist professions, they always adhere to the Journalistic Code of Ethics and organizational regulations.

Meanwhile, for an advocate, commonly known as a lawyer or legal consultant, also has an advocate's code of ethics and organizational regulations. A journalist and advocate are required to comply with the principles of integrity, independence, and confidentiality in carrying out their duties.

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