JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) assesses that the alleged corruption reporter did not announce his report to the public for his safety.

This was conveyed by the Director of Public Reporting and Complaints Services of the KPK, Tomi Murtopo, who said that the alleged rasuah was not actually identified. However, those who are often excited after reporting.

"We also ask the reporter to keep his report a secret because the KPK cannot guarantee the safety of the racer when he opens his report to the public," Tomi told reporters quoted on Saturday, September 9.

"We can't guarantee it," he continued.

Tomi said that the KPK has an obligation to protect whistleblowers if they are intimidated in accordance with Law Number 19 of 2019. Usually, the legal bureau team will carry out the assessment.

"The legal Bureau will later ask us whether this is true from the KPK reporter, whether it is appropriate for us to protect it. Whether it is appropriate or not this is true that the reporter is contributing to the reported case," he said.

Moreover, this kind of fanfare often makes the handling of corruption cases fail. The reason is that there was a leak of information submitted.

"Well, so that we always appeal to it because we see that the success of handling corruption cases is successful whether or not it is related to leaked or not information," concluded Tomi.

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