TANGERANG - Police are still investigating the murder case committed by Nirwansyah (23) against the mother of her close friend, Anik Patmawati (51).
The murder took place at the victim's house, on Jalan Danau Poso 1, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, Thursday night, September 7.
Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Commissioner Victor Berlyantho revealed that the victim suffered stab wounds to the abdomen and abdomen. However, he has not been able to specify the number of stabs on the victim's body.
"The post-mortem results found several stab wounds to the neck and stomach," Victor told reporters, Friday, September 8.
Commissioner Victor said the perpetrators would be charged with premeditated murder.
"Article applied to Article 340 (KUHP) in conjunction with 338 with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment," Victor told reporters, Friday, September 9.
According to Victor, the perpetrator has been proven to have carried a sharp knife from his house to kill Anik Patmawati, the mother of his close friend.
"According to information, the suspect has been prepared from the start. It has been prepared, planned. The direction is that," he said.
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