JAKARTA - Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin confirmed his position on the polemic of using dirhams and dinars as transaction tools used by the public some time ago.
In an official statement released on Thursday, February 4, the Vice President stated that the practice of buying and selling using dirhams and dinars such as what happened in Muamalah Market, Depok has a strong potential to destroy the national economic order.
According to him, every form of transaction involving the wider community has been regulated in a law that applies to all regions of Indonesia.
"Maybe the goal is to enforce the Islamic market. But keep in mind that we have a state system mechanism, "he said.
Furthermore, the Vice President said that the economic activities that occur in the Muamalah market cannot be called sharia financial activities. This is because Indonesia already has a unified sharia economic system that is integrated with economic activities and the national financial system.
This means that trading activities with the aim of sharia but using currencies other than the rupiah are illegal and deviant efforts in the Indonesian economic system.
"Sharia economic activities have rules, there is even a fatwa from the Indonesian Ulema Council," he said.
To note, the Muamlah Depok market was initiated by Zaim Saidi. In this market, there are 10-15 traders selling a number of basic necessities and clothes.
Meanwhile, Zaim Saidi was also the person most responsible for the circulation of dirhams and dinars which were used as a medium of exchange.
Later it was discovered that Zaim printed the dirhams and dinars at PT Aneka Tambang alias Antam. He then circulated the money by taking a 2.5 percent margin from the total public transactions that exchanged rupiah into dirhams or dinars.
For one dinar, the current exchange rate is estimated at IDR 4 million. Meanwhile, one dirham is equivalent to a value of IDR 73,500.
The dinar used as a means of payment at Muamalah Market is gold coins of 4.25 grams, 22 carat gold, while the dirhams used are silver coins weighing 2.975 grams.
For his actions, Zaim has now been arrested by the police to be responsible for his actions.
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