The General Treasurer of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Sahroni, regretted the chaos caused by the Democratic Party following the cancellation of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) in pairs with Anies Baswedan as a Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate (candidates and vice presidential candidates) in the 2024 General Election.
According to him, the Democratic Party and its cadres can use better political methods in dealing with problems that occur.
"That was, that the narrative revealed by the Democratic party could actually be suppressed in a wiser political way," Sahroni told reporters, Monday, September 4.
Not only that, Sahroni also considered that the disappointment expressed by the Democratic Party was too excessive. In fact, at that time, the political lobbying process regarding the figure of the vice presidential candidate was said to be still rolling or had not found a written agreement.
"For example, if the leader has not yet become a leader, he has betrayed. How can we justify the narrative of political lobbying in the process. If there is no signature of both parties or the three coalition parties, officially choose the vice presidential candidate," he said.
In fact, Sharoni assessed that the problems and disappointment felt by the Democratic Party were caused by AHY's too great confidence.
"There should also be no independence. We, right, have to be bismillah. If the line will become a vice presidential candidate, yesterday he will not run," he said.
In the political lobby area everything can happen. In fact, he likened the appointment of a vice presidential candidate to a marriage.
"Well, we must clarify that everything can happen in the political lobby area. For example, if people want to get married, the invitation has been distributed suddenly on the day H is canceled, it's normal, so it's not as if they are annoyed or angry, both parties will definitely be restless, disappointed for sure," he said.
On that basis, Sahroni emphasized that there was no betrayal behind Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin's declaration as a vice presidential candidate. All purely the result of the coalition party agreement.
"There is no (traisal), it's normal for politics to have different views on the process lobby to run until the list of presidential and vice-presidential candidates later, so it's all still dynamic. So that's the case," said Sahroni.
For information, Anies Baswedan is said to have unilaterally chosen Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) as vice president. In fact, Democrats claim that Anies has decided to vote for the Democratic Chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).
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