JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that members must work together with institutions and other institutions in handling forest and land fires (karhutla).

He emphasized this during an interactive dialogue related to forest and land fires which was attended by the TNI, Polri, Regional Government, BPBD, BMKG, Basarnas and volunteers in West Kalimantan Province, Saturday, September 2.

Starting from the National Police Chief who directly listened to reports from various parties about forest and land fires in several areas of West Kalimantan.

At that time, the National Police Chief asked about the time it took to extinguish the forest and land fires, both on a large and medium scale. Based on existing explanations, the extinguishing process depends on the distance from the location of the hotspots.

In addition, there is also information about the average plantation or free land that is close to hotspots managed by the community or individuals.

Sigit also said that water sources are the main factors in dealing with forest and land fires. For this reason, he asked the ranks of the TNI, Polri, Regional Government, BPBD, Basarnas, BMKG and volunteers to ensure the availability of water sources.

"I think the construction of the reservoir is good, because indeed, you can't do anything without any water sources," said Sigit.

Even the cooperation between stakeholders that has been running so far, according to Sigit, must be maintained. This is because the key to handling forest and land fires is solidity and good synergy.

"Hopefully we will go through the existing situation and the areas of colleagues can be resolved because the hotspots can be controlled by cooperation and from the readiness of existing water sources. Of course, assistance from the center if there are points to modify the weather can be done, so that there will be rain immediately because of course, fast water can again stagnate and water sources are sufficient," he explained.

Not to forget, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police asked all parties to prioritize forest and land fires prevention. Various infrastructures must also be well prepared.

"If the region cannot handle it, either by using CSR grant funds (for equipment), or it can be reported to the center so that we can make good planning," he said.

In terms of prevention, said Sigit, all parties must socialize to the public both directly and on social media by prioritizing the 3 pillars of Kamtibmas, namely Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa and Village Heads.

"The Kapolda also issued an announcement regarding the prohibition of burning forests and land," he said.

The preventive steps that can be taken are by establishing an integrated post that is close to a forest and land fire vulnerable point. In addition, carrying out an assembly for the title of troops and equipment for handling forest and land fires.

"All stakeholders routinely carry out patrols both on land and air," he said.

Another step is to build reservoirs or canals that are close to forest and land fires. Conventional extinguishing of fire and water booming can also be done.

"Take advantage of the weather modification technology (TMC) for handling forest and land fires," said Sigit.

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