JAKARTA - The United Nations (UN) will mobilize the international community to pressure the Myanmar military so that the coup they launched on Monday, February 1 will end and fail.

The international community believes that the takeover of power has shortened Myanmar's long transition to democracy and drew strong criticism from Western countries, the G7 including the United Nations.

"We will do everything we can to mobilize all the key actors and the international community to put sufficient pressure on Myanmar to ensure that this coup fails," UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in an interview broadcast by The Washington Post on Wednesday. reported by Reuters.

This is completely unacceptable after the General Election, an election which in my opinion took place normally and after a big transition period, "he added.

On Tuesday, the UN Special Envoy for Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener, urged the Security Council to collectively send out a clear signal in support of democracy in Myanmar.

The United States, which had relaxed sanctions against Myanmar, is reviewing the possibility of imposing sanctions on a coup carried out by the Myanmar military.

Meanwhile, China as a neighbor and ally of Myanmar did not specifically condemn the Myanmar military coup. However, they also denied allegations of tacit support for the coup.

"We hope that all parties in Myanmar can properly resolve their differences and establish political and social stability," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Wang Wenbin said in an explanation.

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